Sunday, January 11, 2009


The new president hasn't even been sworn in and already people are questioning his thoughts and views. This is to be expected. However, my concern is that he won't be given a chance. The time for change has arrived and whether we agree or not, it is going to happen. Will things get any better, I hope so. But they will get worse before that happens. We can't wipe away the years of neglect, distrust and corruption in a few year yet alone a few days.

I am concerned that the first $350 billion was distributed without oversight, without accountability. It hasn't been used for its intended purpose and things have not improved for anyone other than the banks that received the funds.

We need a return to common sense. We need to rethink the various trickle down theories that have been floated every few years. The premise was good however, human nature being what it is, the implementation fell short of accomplishing the intended purpose. Jobs must be created, not sent overseas. Our infrastruction is falling apart, not a winter goes by without a city suffering a major water main break because they are older than most of us. Our police and firemen need upgraded equipment. Our schools have not kept pace with the changing needs of our students. Bridges are crumbling right under our wheels.

All of these projects were put on hold in order to offer incentives to businesses to relocate or to fund some pet project. As a nation, we cannot thrive unless our foundation is sound. We have long ignored it and now we are paying the price for that neglect.

It will not be easy and it won't be cheap but it must be done. We will all have to pull together as Americans do and get it done. We are a nation of doers not complainers. When the going got tough, Americans have pulled themselves up by their boot straps and getting things done.

We must do so again.

1 comment:

Jack said...

here's to the end of bull rhetoric and distractions...let's all move forward as ONE nation :)