Now that the political situation has been resolved, the real purpose of this blog needs to come forth. Before anyone shouts, the political situation has not been resolved, I know that arena is very much alive and mutating before our eyes. However, new people are in place, so let's step back and let them give it a try.
No doubt you have heard the phrase, growing old gracefully. What a contradiction in terms, kinda like CIA or NSA. These are mutually exclusive. But let's try to pin down what 'growing old gracefully' means. Does it refer to being more graceful as you grow old as in, like a ballerina?? I wasn't that graceful before the two hip replacements and the new right wrist. How can I possibly be more graceful with metal parts? Does it mean graceful as in being more accepting of what is happening to you, not complaining, etc.? Pulllleeeeezzzeeee, at this point in my life, complaining about my aches and pains is the highlight of the day. Also it provides me with a perfect excuse to imbibe in my favorite beverage, wine and more wine.
Perhaps it means to be more pleasant of nature and countenance....... Wrong again. I didn't exactly have the most pleasant demeanour when in my prime, and age has done nothing to improve it. In fact, most people expect me to be unreasonable and cranky. On days when I actually am pleasant, people ask me if everything is okay, am I feeling okay.
Growing old gracefully makes as much sense as leaping off a bridge to me.
GOG (growing old gracefully) is a bit of a myth, it happens rarely and it usually involves cosmetic surgery and/or a fairy tale life.
You're doing just fine my girl! Keep doing what you're doing.
Thanks. I don't intend to go the plastic surgery route. But wine is a preservative so that should preserve what is still good.
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