Okay have we lost the capacity for all rational thought? One of the options being floated around is to arm our teachers. That allowing our teachers to carry guns in the classroom will prevent future "Sandy Hooks". On the surface this would appear logical. But let's look below the surface and think this out, rationally.
Do we really want over-worked, underpaid teachers in schools with guns? Our children lag so far behind other nations in critical learning skills, that we now want to add fear to their everyday existence. Teachers spend just as much time baby sitting our children as they do teaching them math, science, reading, etc. Now we want to add defending them against armed intruders to their list of duties. I don't think so.
The gun lobby and gun shop owners want to arm everyone. Some people for religious or other personal beliefs don't want anything to do with a gun. I have seen some remarks on Facebook and other social media sites that portray these people as victims waiting to happen and deserve what happens to them. How much farther does this nation need to fall when we under value people because of personal beliefs. Does this not fly in the face of what our founding fathers established this country for? Have we become a nation so enamoured of our own wants and needs that we cease to care for others?
If we do arm everyone, then we really do not need police or our armed forces or the court system. We can settle our own disputes, small or large, ourselves, without due process. Is that the kind of nation we want our children growing up in? Do we want America becoming another 3rd world nation?
Once again, I do not oppose responsible gun ownership. I believe that those individuals who hunt for food or have guns for protection should have them if they want them. But I also believe that we need to treat them in the same manner we do responsible automobile drivers. In order to maintain your driver's license you are tested every year or five years to insure that you are still capable of driving a car. Is that too much to ask of someone who has a loaded gun next door?
I do not have an answer to what to do about guns in America. I do believe that we must take emotion out of the discussion and think like rational human beings and find common ground. If we don't then I am not sure that any of us will like the outcome.
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