Thursday, July 9, 2009


Our lives are regimented. We go to work, come home, eat, take care of whatever at home, sleep and start the routine all over again the next day. The weekends are even worse. The truly bad part is we are starting our kids on this even earlier.

When I was young, around the time the earth cooled, kids were kids. The summers were for having fun. We played outside, (video games weren't even thought of). The only time we watched TV was when it was raining and we couldn't go outside. We played from dawn to dusk. We didn't go to camps to learn to do stuff. That was what school was for.

But as adults our lives are structured by work, outside committments and the daily grind of living. We have forgotten how to be spontaneous. To say you will do something without thinking about it just because it sounds like fun. To step outside the everyday and do something without planning it for months in advance.

Granted it could go wrong. But that is part of being spontaneous. You really aren't sure how it is going to pan out but you're going to do it anyway. Now I am not talking about doing anything really dangerous. But saying you'll go to the beach with a friend who really wants to but can't find anyone else to go with. Or taking a class on beading just because you've always wondered what it would be like.

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